Forget dragons! Meet rarely known myths: Nava Gunjara grants wishes in India. Bunyip haunts Aussie swamps. Leshy, the Slavic forest spirit, watches from the trees. Ahuizotl, the Aztec dog with a deadly hand tail. Beware the Kelpie, a beautiful water spirit with a dark secret. Qilin, the Chinese good luck unicorn, brings prosperity. Baku, the Japanese dream-eater, gobbles nightmares. Spark your imagination with these hidden gems! 

Baba Yaga  (Slavic Countries) 

A fearsome witch living in a house that walks on chicken legs. Baba Yaga represents the wilderness, transformation, and the wisdom gleaned from facing challenges. 

Shenlong  (China)

A majestic, serpentine dragon soaring through celestial skies, commanding weather and symbolizing potent luck and imperial power. 

Medusa (Greece)

A fearsome Gorgon with venomous snake hair, her gaze turning men to stone. A chilling reminder of vanity's dangers and the power of forbidden knowledge. 

Unicorn  (Europe) 

A mythical symbol of purity and innocence, this white horse with a spiraling horn embodies magic, healing, and the elusive search for the unattainable. 

Sasquatch  (America)

An elusive giant said to roam North American forests, shrouded in mystery and sparking debates about the hidden corners of wilderness 

Nava Gunjara (India)

A benevolent guardian spirit, half-snake, half-human, residing in Gujarat's lush forests. Associated with fertility, bountiful harvests, and the wisdom of nature. 

Chupacabra  (Maxico) 

A bloodthirsty beast lurking in the shadows, draining livestock's blood. This chilling legend represents the unknown lurking in the night and the fear of the unexplained. 

Djinn  (Middle East & North Africa)

Powerful genies bound to lamps, granting wishes but demanding cunning bargains. Djinn embody hidden potential, the allure of instant gratification, and the unpredictable consequences of wishes 

Yeti  (Himalayas) 

A colossal, hairy humanoid said to inhabit the treacherous Himalayan peaks. The Yeti evokes the harshness of the mountains, the thrill of exploration, and the awe-inspiring power of nature. 

Mermaid (Rome) 

Enchanting creatures with the head and torso of a human and the tail of a fish, dwelling in the ocean depths. Mermaids symbolize the mystery and beauty of the sea, but also its hidden dangers and alluring pull 

Kappa   (Japan) 

Mischievous water spirits resembling turtles with a shell and a water-filled dish on their heads. Kappa embody the hidden dangers of water, the playful trickery of nature, and the importance of respecting its boundaries.